McGill Progression Program for Dysfunctional Spines

What is the McGill Progression Program?

Dr. Stuart McGill is a world renown expert in the science of spine bio-mechanics. His progression program is designed to identify the root cause of spinal dysfunction, then correct it through retraining of movements and strengthening of supporting muscles. The ultimate goal of Dr. McGill’s program is not only to treat a patient’s pain, but to provide them with knowledge and conditioning to avoid future injury or relapse of pain.

How does it work?

McGill’s Progression Program is elaborate, but the basics can be summarized in a few points:

  1. Identifying the root cause of a patient’s back pain, and establishing a corrective program to rehabilitate the dysfunctional area.
  2. Thoroughly analyzing the way a patient moves, and retraining their movement to be more functional so and put less strain on their spine.
  3. Incorporating corrective exercises that stabilize the core, lumbar, and joints to better balance the load a patient places on their spine across all of the supporting muscles.
  4. Increasing the strength and endurance of the spine to support patient activity beyond day-to-day routine.

When is it an effective treatment?

McGill’s Progression Program can be useful to just about anyone with a compromised back. We use it to treat patients who have experienced spinal trauma, patients who are dependent on prescription medication to relieve their pain, patients who are recovering from surgery, and patients who are simply suffering from age-related wear and tear.

Why do we incorporate Dr. McGill’s Progression Program in our treatment plans?

Our mission is to treat our patients for their back pain and aid their immediate recovery, but also to provide them with the tools and training to live normal lives without having to worry about future spinal trauma. Doctor McGill’s program focuses on functional movements that carry over into everyday life. It is proven to not only aid with the treatment of spinal dysfunction in the short-term but, properly implemented, it helps patients achieve greater core stability and endurance that will ultimately help protect their spine long term.

(603) 222-7000

(603) 421-1177